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7 posts tagged with "Tools Comparison"

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11 min read
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Ankit Anand

Both Kibana and Grafana are data visualization tools providing users capabilities to explore, analyze and visualize data with dashboards. The difference between Kibana and Grafana lies in their genesis. Kibana was built on top of the Elasticsearch stack, famous for log analysis and management. In comparison, Grafana was created mainly for metrics monitoring supporting visualization for time-series databases.

8 min read
Ankit Anand

Prometheus and the Elasticsearch stack are both used for monitoring applications. But while Prometheus is primarily meant to monitor metrics, the Elasticsearch stack or the ELK stack is mainly used to collect, store, analyze, and visualize application logs. In this article, we will see what Prometheus and ELK stack is and compare their differences.

8 min read
Ankit Anand

Distributed tracing is becoming a critical component of any application's performance monitoring stack. However, setting it up in-house is an arduous task, and that's why many companies prefer outside tools. Jaeger and Zipkin are two popular open-source projects used for end-to-end distributed tracing. Let us explore their key differences in this article.