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Deploy SigNoz using Helm charts, 500+ members on our slack community - SigNal 08

· 6 min read
Ankit Anand

Welcome to SigNal 08, and the last SigNal issue of 2021! 🥳

This month, we made numerous PRs improving our product experience, added new awesome contributors, and launched a new initiative to discover better UX for our users. We also crossed 500+ members on our Slack community! 🥳

Cover Image

Wrapping up 2021, let’s see what Humans at SigNoz were up to in the month of December!

What we shipped?​

We made two major releases this month with lots of UI improvements. We also enabled Helm chart support for ClickHouse Setup.

Latest Release:

Release v0.5.4

Helm Charts for ClickHouse Setup​

Related PR -

Helm charts are the preferred way of deploying applications on Kubernetes and our users requested this feature. You can now get started with SigNoz on Kubernetes using Helm charts. The Helm chart installation installs the following components of SigNoz:

  • Query Service (Backend service)
  • Web UI (Frontend)
  • ClickHouse instance (Datastore)
  • OpenTelemetry collector
  • Alert Manager

You can read detailed instructions from our documentation.

Support for Hetzner Cloud in Helm charts​

Related PR -

Hetzner cloud is a popular hosting service provider from Germany. With this PR, Hetzner users can deploy SigNoz easily using Helm charts.

Mac M1 support released for ClickHouse setup​

Related PR -

Our users using Mac M1 chips were not able to install SigNoz. Clickhouse officially works on M1 chips but they don’t provide an official docker build for arm64. We fixed the issue by using arm64 docker build by Altinity.

Better Graphs and Legends​

Our out-of-the-box charts on important application metrics like latency, throughput, and error rates are critical to performance monitoring. We improved these graphs and made the legends more user-friendly.

Application latency charts on SigNoz dashboard
Application latency charts on SigNoz metrics tab
Tracing Serverless Architecture

Serverless architecture has become one of the most popular cloud service models. According to market estimates, its market will reach $22 billion by 2025. We are currently exploring OpenTelemetry’s capabilities to trace a serverless architecture like Lambda service provided by AWS.

We would love to hear your ideas on this, and if you have used distributed tracing for your serverless functions, feel free to share on this GitHub issue.

What's upcoming?​

We are redesigning our Traces tab with much more powerful filters for quicker troubleshooting and root cause analysis of issues in your application.

Some of the filters that we’ll be incorporating in the revamped page:

  • Status
  • Services
  • Resources
  • HTTP Code

Here’s a sneak peek of our redesign. We are actively looking for feedback on our tracing user experience.

Application latency charts on SigNoz dashboard
Sneak peek of our redesigned Traces tab

If you have experience using traces of any monitoring tool, please help us out by booking a feedback meeting. As a token of appreciation, we’re giving out 1000 INR/20 USD Amazon eGift cards to devs who help us out. 🙂

SigNoz News​

500+ members on our Slack Community 🥳​

This month we crossed an important milestone in our community. We are now 500+ members strong on Slack, a place where we discuss all things open-source and SigNoz.

If you’re a developer interested in open-source software and APM tools, then we would love to host you there.

SigNoz Slack community

User shoutout 😊​

We are happiest when our users appreciate our product experience. Notes like these keep us going in our vision to create the best open-source APM tool for developer teams of all sizes.

User testimonial for SigNoz

One of our users also became a contributor. This is the true essence of open-source, especially for a developer tool. Devs don’t need to wait for anyone to make small tweaks to suit their use-case.

User Interviews​

We are talking to backend/devops engineers who have experience working with APM tools to discover challenges they face while monitoring their applications. We have come across numerous insights with this exercise that will help us make SigNoz better!

If you are a developer who has used monitoring tools for debugging applications and improving performance, feel free to book a 25-30 mins slot with us 👇

Help us make SigNoz better!

As mentioned earlier, we are also giving out 1000 INR/$20 USD Amazon eGift cards as a token of appreciation. 🙌

Contributor Highlight​

We want to thank these amazing contributors who made SigNoz better with their contributions. 🤗

PRs by new contributors in the last month:

Allow empty input values in settings retention page and three others by Aryan Shridhar

fix: product feedback button by Anurag Gupta

build(kubernetes): Support hcloud CSI (Hetzner) by Hendy Irawan

Also, our contributors are loving the swag we ship them. 🥳

From our blog​

Nestjs is a Nodejs framework for building scalable server-side applications with typescript. It makes use of frameworks like Express and Fastify to enable rapid development. It has gained wide popularity in recent times, and many applications are making use of the Nestjs framework.

You can monitor your Nestjs application using SigNoz as OpenTelemetry supports nestjs instrumentation. The biggest advantage of using OpenTelemetry is that you don’t get locked into any vendors. It is an open-source project backed by a huge community of developers, cloud and APM vendors. SigNoz is built natively on OpenTelemetry.

Monitor your Nestjs application using OpenTelemetry

Thank you for taking out the time to read this issue :) If you have any feedback or want any changes with the format, please create an issue.